احلى مواضيع جميلة جديدة بالصور كل شي

كلمات اغنية sway , قمة فى الرقى

كلمات اغنية Sway- قمة فى الرقى 12210 1

أغنية سواى من اجمل الاغانى الرومانسية التى يحبها الكثير من الناس


When marimba rhythms start to play


Dance with me, make me sway


Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore


Hold me close, sway me more


Like a flower bending in the breeze


Bend with me, sway with ease


When we dance you have a way with me


Stay with me, sway with me


Other dancers may be on the floor


Dear, but my eyes will see only you


Only you have that magic technique


When we sway I go weak


I can hear the sounds of violins


Long before it begins


Make me thrill as only you know how


Sway me smooth, sway me now


Sway me, make me


Thrill me, hold me


Bend me, ease me


You have a way with me


Sway with me


Sway (sway) (Sway)


Other dancers may be on the floor


Dear, but my eyes will see only you


Only you have that magic technique


When we sway I go weak


I go weak


I can hear the sounds of violins


Long before it begins


Make me thrill as only you know how


Sway me smooth, sway me now


Make me thrill as only you know how

كلمات اغنية Sway- قمة فى الرقى 12210

Sway me smooth, sway me now


Make me thrill as only you know how


Sway me smooth, sway me now


Sway me


Sway me


Sway me now


الكلمات الاغنية sway

تفسير الاحلام بالحروف , كل حرف و له كلمة و له تفسير
خل التفاح لتنحيف البطن والارداف , هاتبقى شبه الموديل